Infrared energy experts AbegSun

German product direct from the manufacturer

Manufacturer: ABEG Anlagen GmbH

Falkensteinstr. 13A • 34132 Kassel

Administration phone: +49 561 50811

Sonnen-Panorama AbegSunHeat pump vs. infrared heating

We are currently experiencing a hype regarding the use of Heat pump heaters. Da sie außergewöhnlich teuer sind, lohnt es sich einen Blick auf diese Technik zu werfen.

Es handelt sich dabei um die seit jeher gebräuchliche Konvektionsheizung. Eine Konvektionsheizung benutzt physikalisch die Thermodynamik, um die erzeugte Wärme im Raum zu verteilen. Dieses grundlegende Prinzip ist bezogen auf die Effizienz mit erheblichen Mängeln behaftet. Die dabei auftretenden Energieverluste sind bei den heutigen Preisen für Brennstoffe nicht mehr akzeptabel.

The more modern heating technology of infrared radiant heating, which is based on quantum physics, is increasingly becoming the focus of attention in new construction and renovation of buildings due to its superior technology.

schaubild-konvektionswaermeThe physical principles of heating technologies

Konvektionswärme – Thermodynamik

The most common form of heating buildings to date is usually radiators filled with warm water, while underfloor heating is a heating system installed in the floor.

Both types of heating heat the ambient air, making it lighter and rising to the ceiling. Warm air escapes upwards and cold air flows in from below.

A cycle of heat movement is created with cold air below and warm air above. This describes the movement (dynamics) and the rising heat (thermal) as thermodynamics. Der verlustreiche Unterschied zwischen oben und unten kann je nach oberer Dämmung zwischen 8 – 12°C liegen. Die für Konvektionsheizungen erforderlichen Berechnungen des Wärmebedarfs von Gebäuden müssen korrekterweise nach den Regeln der Thermodynamik erfolgen.


infrarot-raumstrahlungsverteilungStrahlungwärme – Quantenmechanik

Infrared heat is electromagnetic radiation in a specific wavelength range. Depending on the frequency, the resulting light particles (photons) form an invisible to white-hot heat radiation. The sun generates such radiation. It moves through space at the speed of light without any loss. The same thing happens with infrared heating elements in the room of a building.

If the radiation hits people or objects, they are heated. Part of the radiation is absorbed, the rest is refracted and reflected and moves through the room until all the energy is used up. In this way, every person, every object and every corner of a room is reached and, in the best case scenario, is supplied with the same energy that has been paid for once. multiple warmed!

This combination of properties represents a paradigm shift for the heating technology of the future.

The calculation formulas of the quantum physics. The discoverer and namesake is the physicist Max Planck. Around 1900, he calculated that infrared rays do not move through space as a continuous beam, but rather divided into portions (quantum). This marked the birth of the era of quantum physics with new physical principles, effects and calculations.

The physicists Stephan and Bolzmann developed the formula of the same name to calculate the radiation output of infrared heating elements. Only These and other formulas of quantum mechanics may be used in any form of heat or efficiency calculations in connection with infrared heaters. If thermodynamic calculations are carried out in heat requirement calculations for infrared heaters, the results are incorrect. Every construction expert knows that a DIN is not legally binding, but fundamentally “nach den neuesten Regeln der Technik” work and calculations must be done.

waermepumpenprinzipVergleich Wärmepumpe vs. Infrarot – die Fakten

Eine Wärmepumpenheizung gewinnt thermische Energie aus Wasser, Erde oder Luft und überträgt diese auf ein Kältemittel. Das Medium verdampft und strömt dann in einen mit Strom betriebenen Kompressor. Dieser erhöht den Druck und damit auch die Temperatur. Im Anschluss gibt das Kältemittel die aufgenommene Energie an das Heizsystem ab. Seine Temperatur sinkt und es nimmt seinen Ausgangszustand wieder ein. Der Kreislauf beginnt erneut.

Die so hoch gelobte Effizienz der Wärmepumpenheizung ist logisch und physikalisch allerdings schwer nachzuvollziehen. Da wird kalte Luft oder Wasser mit einer elektrischen Pumpe in das Gebäude geholt, um nach mehreren Umwandlungen des Aggregatzustandes (ein Kältemittel wird verdampft, verdichtet, kondensiert und verflüssigt) erwärmt zu werden.

Electrical energy is needed for heating. The earth's heat is always around 9°C, the air is often much colder. These temperatures must be brought to 55-65°C with convection heating and to around 28-32°C with a more sensible underfloor heating system. With an air/water heat pump, the required heat must be generated at low temperatures using a hugely inefficient electric heating element.

The calculation formulas of the quantum physics. The discoverer and namesake is the physicist Max Planck. Around 1900, he calculated that infrared rays do not move through space as a continuous beam, but rather divided into portions (quantum). This marked the birth of the era of quantum physics with new physical principles, effects and calculations.

The physicists Stephan and Bolzmann developed the formula of the same name to calculate the radiation output of infrared heating elements. Only These and other formulas of quantum mechanics may be used in any form of heat or efficiency calculations in connection with infrared heaters. If thermodynamic calculations are carried out in heat requirement calculations for infrared heaters, the results are incorrect. Every construction expert knows that a DIN is not legally binding, but fundamentally “nach den neuesten Regeln der Technik” work and calculations must be done.


Attention building physicists: failure to comply and incorrect heating load calculation could result in significant claims for damages!

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