Infrared energy experts AbegSun

German product direct from the manufacturer

Manufacturer: ABEG Anlagen GmbH

Falkensteinstr. 13A • 34132 Kassel

Administration phone: +49 561 50811

Saving energy with infrared heaters

The prerequisites for low energy consumption

1. Surface temperatures of infrared heaters

Wärmebild eines Infrarot Deckenheizkörpers

High surface temperature = high radiant heat output. High radiant output results from a high surface temperature of the radiator. The higher the better - see below:

When the Stephan-Boltzmann formula is applied, high radiation outputs are obtained because this is electromagnetic radiation from a black body in the infrared range. According to quantum mechanical regulations, such a high output depends solely on the absolute surface temperature of the radiating surface.*

* according to Prof. Dr. Ing. Claus Meier: “Phenomenon of radiant heating”, Chapter 3.7, page 30

Unlike the front, the back of a heating element should have temperatures close to room temperature. Every degree of heat that radiates backwards means a loss of energy and efficiency of the heating element. It also reduces the front radiation temperature, which further reduces efficiency.

Recommendation for saving energy: Only use products for which you know the surface temperatures and the efficiency according to DIN!


2. Radiation angle of infrared heaters

Light rays, including infrared rays, spread from a straight surface at an angle of 120° in the room. If the surface is curved, this angle increases. This increases efficiency, especially in combination with a high radiation temperature. A large area of ​​the room is heated evenly.

At the same time, the reflection surface is greatly increased, so that the parts of the room outside the radiation angle heat up quickly. AbegSun radiators use this effect. They have a radiation angle of 147 degrees. At a distance of 2.5 metres, the AbegSun heating element, which is 120 cm long and 60 cm wide, irradiates and heats an area of ​​33 m².

If the heating elements are mounted on the ceiling, they radiate the high radiation temperature of AbegSun down to the floor, creating the heating effect according to the principle of underfloor heating.

Schichtenmodell AbegSun infrarot-Heizplatten

3. Heating time of infrared heaters


When an infrared heating element is switched on, the full amount of electricity is consumed immediately, depending on its power. However, the full heat is only available once the heating-up period has ended. This warm-up phase must therefore be as short as possible in order to keep energy losses to a minimum.

AbegSun radiators have an extremely short heating time. They reach an average front temperature of 100° Celsius after only about 120 seconds. This is achieved by a 3-layer, but only 0.8 mm thick heating surface without any front panel. It can withstand several hundred degrees of heat, so that a high surface temperature can be set, which is important for the efficiency of the heating element.

Since the front is not covered with sheet metal, slate, marble or glass, there is no loss of material when the heat is emitted. The heat radiation goes directly into the room without any obstacles. There, too, it does not heat the room air as an intermediate carrier, but directly heats the people and objects that are in the area of ​​the radiation angle.

The heat particles (photons) that are not absorbed are reflected and move at the speed of light up to every Corner of the room until all the heat has been absorbed. As a side effect, this prevents the formation of mold.


4. Coverings and material changes for infrared heating elements

If an infrared heating element is made of a thick material or is covered with another material for optical reasons (sheet metal, slate, marble, glass, etc.), the heating time can be extremely long. In addition, a change in material takes place, which leads to further losses in efficiency.

It must be remembered that energy losses of just a few percent or a few degrees Celsius can have immense financial implications over the lifespan of days, weeks, months and even years.

Because of the high temperatures required for efficiency, ABEG does not manufacture infrared radiators as pictures, towel radiators or slates. In particular, when these are mounted as pictures above a seat, e.g. a sofa, they must have low radiation temperatures of less than 90°C because of the possible proximity of people's heads. Otherwise they would be harmful to health.

Es ist wissenschaftlicher Konsens, dass Heizkörper mit einer Oberflächentemperatur unter 90°C nicht als Infrarotheizkörper gelten, weil die Anteile an uneffizienter Konvektionswärme überwiegen. Sie haben einen schlechteren Wirkungsgrad gegenüber Heizelementen mit hohen Oberflächentemperaturen. Das Gleiche trifft zu, wenn der nach DIN geprüfte Wirkungsgrad unter 40% liegt.


5. Temperature control for infrared heaters

The temperature of an infrared heating element is regulated by intermittent switching (on and off). Once the desired comfortable temperature is reached, the radiator is switched off manually or, better yet, automatically by a thermostat.

If the ambient air cools down, the heating switches on again. As the room heats up, the on time gradually becomes shorter and the off time becomes longer. Overall, the heating element is only switched on for a short time (40-50%) during a day.

If you only stay in the radiation area of ​​the element, the total heating time is the shortest and the consumption is the lowest. Of course, the thermostat must be placed there so that it can regulate. If you want to heat the entire room, the thermostat is placed outside the radiation angle. The thermostat should have a stand and not be mounted on the wall.

If there is no one in the room, the thermostat can be switched off completely. Consumption is zero.

6. Lower room temperature with infrared heaters

The comfortable temperature of an infrared heater can be set 1.5 to 2 degrees Celsius lower than the room temperature of a convection heater. This saving effect is based on the fact that moving air has a cooling effect and requires a higher room temperature with a convection heater.

The lower room temperature of the infrared heater also reduces the Transmission heat losses through walls, windows and doors – a further efficiency gain of infrared heating that is not achieved with convection heating.

7. Building insulation for infrared heaters

With radiant heating, you can heat up to a comfortable temperature in the area of ​​the radiation angle, even if the temperature in the room next door is below zero. Now you might think that good thermal insulation of a house is no longer necessary.

In theory, that's true. It's just not practical, because you want a roughly uniform temperature throughout the room. This can only be achieved economically with good, or even better, very good, thermal insulation. We also want to have pleasant temperatures in the summer without having to buy an air conditioning system straight away.

Infrarot-Wandheizkörper-900-Watt8. Legislation disregarding the economic importance of infrared heating

Due to newly developed techniques and materials, infrared heating is so economical that it is suitable as a full heating system for every building. It is economical in consumption and extremely inexpensive to purchase. It is the only type of heating for which there is a DIN-regulated efficiency measurement.

In other European cities, e.g. Vienna, entire apartment blocks have already been equipped with infrared ceiling radiators. One of the largest new residential complexes in Austria is completely planned with infrared ceiling radiators. The cost savings are immense!

In Holland Several terraced housing developments are being equipped with infrared heaters with government funding. In Germany, the legislator is clearly not yet focusing on the urgently needed cost savings in new construction and renovation.

And - it gets even better! In Germany's new GEG law, full infrared heating systems can only be authorised in owner-occupied detached/two-family houses or, in the case of multi-family houses, only in conjunction with a photovoltaic system. The fact that there are modern, newly developed infrared heaters with the maximum possible efficiency and that this can be verified according to DIN has not been taken into account.

These consume so much less energy that infrared heaters are far superior to any other heating system in terms of efficiency and purchase costs. As engineers and craftsmen, we are subject to the conditions of the VOB (Contracting Regulations for Construction Work). “Neusten Regeln der Bautechnik” We are therefore not allowed to apply the provisions of the GEG. Sadly, these are already outdated as soon as they are published.

There are no such legal restrictions for heat pumps, although there are no efficiency measurements. Uninformed people still believe that the annual performance factor defined by the industry itself actually proves that the entire system generates more energy, namely 3-5 times more, than is entered at the front. COP values ​​and annual performance factors (JAZ) have the same Efficiency of the overall system!

Our suggestion – we generate electricity with half of it and feed it back into the heat pump system – all the world’s energy problems would be solved! Unfortunately, no one has managed to Perpetual motion to build. – Lobbyists have obviously done a great job.

Infrared heat is created from part of the spectrum of solar radiation. It creates a healthy, pleasant warmth without tanning but with good penetration into the human body, right down to the cornea. The medical effect on muscle tension, for example, has long been known. Since infrared radiant heat does not generate convection, no air is moved through the room. Humidity, which has a cooling effect, and dust, which causes problems for allergy sufferers, are not present in the room. Infrared heating therefore ensures a very pleasant and healthy room climate.

Forced ventilation
Eine Zwangsentlüftung, wie sie der Gesetzgeber im neuen GEG-Gesetz vorschreibt, ist damit bei einer Infrarotheizung unsinnig und erzeugt unnötige Energieverluste. Die Zwangsentlüftung ist sowieso kurios. Erst schreibt der Gesetzgeber ein luftdichtes Gebäude vor (geprüft mit dem Blower-Door-Test) und anschließend die Zwangsentlüftung. Kein Wunder, dass sich immer mehr Menschen von der Politik abwenden und auf die Regulierungswut “der da oben” schimpfen.

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