Infrared energy experts AbegSun

German product direct from the manufacturer

Manufacturer: ABEG Anlagen GmbH

Falkensteinstr. 13A • 34132 Kassel

Administration phone: +49 561 50811

jahresverbrauchskosten-einer-infrarotheizungAnnual consumption costs of an infrared heater

3 years of daily measurement of consumption costs in a 1-2 family house

Reducing the consumption costs of infrared heaters


1. The prerequisite for the lowest energy costs is the highest possible efficiency of the infrared heating element. For physical reasons, this is around 70% (± 2.8%) and not, as is often claimed, nearly 100%. Proof in the form of a certificate, e.g. from the Technical University of Dresden, is essential if you want to be sure that the design of the radiator allows the lowest possible heating costs.

2. Furthermore, radiant heating must be operated differently than convection heating. The temperature is not continuously regulated, but automatically by switching on and off (intermittently) using a radio thermostat. The heating is usually switched off for far more than 50% of the time, depending on the insulation of the room and the desired comfortable temperature.

3. Another point for energy-saving heating with infrared is that the room does not need to be preheated. However, this requires that the radiator heats up quickly (with AbegSun: 100°C after approx. 120 seconds). With this heating philosophy, the radiators are only switched on when someone is in the room. They are not turned down, but switched off. Then consumption is zero.

4. Another option for heating control is to set a base temperature and then increase it to the comfortable temperature if necessary. Consumption is slightly higher than with zero control, but the room temperature never falls below the set value.

The great thing about infrared heating is that you are completely independent in your heating behavior. You have the option of dressing accordingly and turning the heating down or turning it off completely. This applies to a single-family home, an apartment with central heating and also an apartment building. Since you are independent, all heating costs can be reduced to ZERO. This is not possible with central heating due to the inertia of the system. Other costs, such as maintenance, chimney sweeping or repairs, are also not incurred. Only the built-in electronics can fail from time to time, but they can be easily replaced.

Amortization of infrared heaters


Infrared radiant heaters pay for themselves the quickest because of their low investment costs. In comparison to radiant heaters, heat pump heaters often do not manage this even in 99 years. This is also due to the fact that they are energy wasters by design because they are convection heaters.

The high purchase costs of heat pumps, the construction work involved in providing a boiler room and chimney, the exorbitant installation costs and the essential maintenance costs over decades also contribute to the fact that a heat pump heating system will never amortise compared to an infrared heating system.

In scientific studies, heat pump heating systems are calculated with a life cycle of 12-16 years, an infrared heating system with 40 years, although it should be noted that the latter can just as easily be calculated with 100 years, as there is no wear and tear due to the lack of mechanical parts. Only the electronics that may be installed could cause defects.

Infrared heating cost billing for rental apartments

Mietwohngebäude mit InfrarotheizungenEven rental properties can be converted to full infrared heating systems. This has the advantage that every tenant can monitor and control their consumption and is not dependent on the landlord's heating bill.

Each tenant regulates their own consumption using wireless thermostats and pays directly to the electricity supplier. Everyone can decide whether to put on a sweater or turn on the heating. No one is responsible for 40-60% of the general heating costs.

The first apartment in a 33-unit residential building in Kassel has been removed from the gas heating system and converted to infrared heating. The tenant no longer has to pay the 50% overhead costs of the entire heating system. He is self-sufficient and pays his energy costs to the electricity provider.


Table of daily measured heating costs of a 1-2 family house over 2 heating periods


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Max Mustermann
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