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Heat pump vs. infrared heating

We are currently experiencing a hype regarding the use of Heat pump heaters. Da sie außergewöhnlich teuer sind, lohnt es sich, einen Blick auf diese Technik zu werfen.

From a physical and technical point of view, this is convection heating, which has been in use since time immemorial. Convection heating physically utilises thermodynamics to distribute the heat generated in the room. This basic principle has considerable shortcomings in terms of efficiency. The energy losses that occur are no longer acceptable given today's fuel prices, yet heat pump heating is still recommended to the public due to a lack of technical knowledge.


However, due to its superior technology, the more modern heating technology of infrared radiation heating, which is based on quantum physics, is increasingly coming into focus in new builds and renovations of

This happens when a building owner or specialist planner questions the myth that you can get 3-5 times the energy you put in as heat out again with a heat pump heating system. If that were the case, all the world's energy problems would be solved in one fell swoop. This statement violates the first and second laws of thermodynamics and is therefore not possible. That is why no one has managed to build a perpetual motion machine for many centuries.


So dear reader – do not believe fairy tales from politicians, journalists or (unfortunately) energy consultants, but inform yourself and think!

The physical principles of heating technologies

schaubild-konvektionswaermeConvection heat with the physics of thermodynamics

In the most common form of heating buildings to date, we generally use radiators filled with heating water, and in the case of underfloor heating, a heating pipe system laid in the floor.

Both types of heating heat the ambient air, making it lighter and rising to the ceiling. Warm air escapes upwards and cold air flows in from below.

A cycle of heat movement is created with cold air below and warm air above. This describes the movement (dynamics) and the rising heat (thermal) as thermodynamics. The temperature difference between above and below can be between 8 - 12°C, depending on the upper insulation. These are serious efficiency losses, as we do not live under the ceiling but on the floor below.

The calculations of the heat demand of buildings required for convection heating systems must be correctly carried out according to the rules of thermodynamics. Heat load calculations based on thermodynamics are incorrect.

infrarot-raumstrahlungsverteilungRadiant heat with the physics of quantum mechanics

Infrared heat is electromagnetic radiation in a specific wavelength range. Depending on the frequency, the resulting light particles (photons) form an invisible to white-hot heat radiation. The sun generates such radiation. It moves through space at the speed of light without any loss. The same thing happens with infrared heating elements in the room of a building.

If the radiation hits people or objects, they are heated. Some of the radiation is absorbed, the rest is refracted and reflected and travels through the room until all the energy has been used up. In this way, every person, every object and every corner of a room is reached and, in the best case scenario, the same energy, once paid for, is used up. multiple warmed!

This combination of properties represents a paradigm shift for the heating technology of the future.

The calculation formulas of the quantum physics. The discoverer and namesake is the physicist Max Planck. Around 1900, he calculated that infrared rays do not move through space as a continuous beam, but rather divided into portions (quantum). This marked the birth of the era of quantum physics with new physical principles, effects and calculations.

Von den Physikern Stephan und Bolzmann wurde die gleichnamige Formel zur Berechnung der Strahlungsleistung von Infrarot-Heizelementen aufgestellt. Nur diese und weitere Formeln der Quantenmechanik dürfen bei irgendeiner Form von Wärmebedarfs- oder Effizienzberechnungen von Infrarotheizungen angewendet werden. Werden thermodynamische Berechnungen durchgeführt, sind die Ergebnisse falsch. Jeder Baufachmann weiß, dass eine DIN nicht rechtsverbindlich ist, sondern grundsätzlich “nach den neuesten Regeln der Technik” gerechnet, gearbeitet und ausgeführt werden muss, darum:

Attention building physicists: if the heat load calculation is incorrect, considerable claims for damages could be formulated!

waermepumpenprinzipComparison of heat pump heating vs. infrared heating – the facts

A heat pump heating system extracts thermal energy from water, earth or air and transfers it to a refrigerant. The medium vaporises and then flows into a compressor powered by electricity. This increases the pressure and therefore also the temperature. The resulting increased temperatures are then transferred to the heating system through heat exchange and channelled into the rooms via pipes and radiators. The temperature in the heating system drops again and the cycle starts again.

When you think about this system, it is difficult to understand the highly praised efficiency of heat pump heating. Cold air or water is brought into the building using an electric pump and then heated after several changes of state (a coolant is evaporated, compressed, condensed and liquefied).

Electrical energy is required for heating. Geothermal heat is always around 9°C, the air is often much colder. These temperatures must be brought to 55-65°C with convection heating and to approx. 28 - 32°C with a more sensible underfloor heating system. With an air/water heat pump, the required heat must also be generated at low air temperatures using a hugely inefficient electric heating element. The COP and JAZ values defined by the SHK (sanitary, heating and air conditioning) industry are not efficiency values, but are repeatedly referred to as such by energy consultants, journalists and politicians. In contrast to infrared heating, there are no standardised efficiency calculations for heat pumps.

An infrared heating system with high efficiency close to 70% cannot be beaten economically by any other heating system!

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