Infrared energy experts AbegSun

German product direct from the manufacturer

Manufacturer: ABEG Anlagen GmbH

Falkensteinstr. 13A • 34132 Kassel

Administration phone: +49 561 50811

Our services

Consulting - Planning - Analysis

Infrared heaters are a low-cost alternative to all other heating systems. By choosing the right product, you can save a lot of money on the purchase and energy consumption.

That is why we inform you about

the physical principles of technology,
the right installation locations, with planning if required
the two different types of heating behaviour
and the important decision criteria for the selection of heating elements



Our service was called by a carer to see a seriously ill patient. Her wood-fired stove went out at night when no one was there to look after her and she was freezing. The patient had bought a cheap infrared heating element, but it did not give off enough heat. We determined with our infrared camera that the radiation temperature was only 42.6° - of course far too low to heat a room.

When we gave advice, we pointed out that you should only buy if the manufacturer can provide a test certificate showing the efficiency. If the efficiency is close to the maximum possible 70%, then it is a heating element that has the best heating effect with low energy consumption. 

A heating element with this high level of efficiency always has a sufficient front radiation temperature. A manufacturer should only call their element an infrared heater if the radiation temperature is 90°C or higher. Since the radiation temperature decreases with the square of the distance, at low surface temperatures no heat can be felt even at a short distance. It is already dissipated upwards as convection heat. The convective component of these elements is greater than the radiation component.

Technical advice

Choosing a highly efficient infrared heater is difficult given the wide range on the market and is only possible with sufficient technical expertise. We close this gap and offer you comprehensive and completely non-binding advice and help in any form.

Assembly plan with offer

The installation location of the infrared heaters is important for energy efficiency. In general, ceiling installation generates minimal to no convection. This is therefore the basic requirement for the lowest possible energy consumption.

But the placement in the room should also be chosen correctly. For this reason, we offer free planning based on a floor plan of the apartment or house.

The floor plans can be sent as a simple sketch or as mobile phone photos. We can prepare them technically so that they can be used as a planning basis.

Once the planning is complete, we create a list of all heating elements and make an offer on this basis.

Cold/thermal bridge analysis

One of the most important criteria for low energy consumption is the insulation and airtightness of the building. As a service, we offer all our customers and interested parties free of charge (if we are on site anyway) or at cost price the Checking the building for the presence of cold bridges/thermal bridges to.

We use an infrared camera for this purpose. It is possible to create documentation.

We have found in such reviews that in particular leaky Door or window frames cool down the room. The draft moving convectively through the room also cools the area in the radiation angle of the radiator.

That is why something should always be done to prevent this type of energy loss. In picture no. 3, bottom right, a linen curtain has been hung and you can clearly see the difference in temperatures with this simple measure. The long duration of use results in considerable energy savings.

Since the energy costs are not higher with large heating elements, larger radiators can be chosen in case of poor external insulation, but in case of draughts It is better to seal the windows and doors.

Max Mustermann
Max Mustermann
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Max Mustermann
Max Mustermann@username
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Max Mustermann
Max Mustermann@username
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
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